
Our Proprietary PISPA lesson delivery model combines the blooms revised taxonomy with the gradual release of responsibility

PAPSI / PISPA Unit & Lesson Planning

It ALL starts with PURPOSE

Planning – PAPSI

    • When the lesson is complete, what should they be able to do/identify?
    • Must be demonstrated and measurable by the assessment(s)


    • Must be directly tied to the purpose and lesson(s)
    • Can be directly tied to a standard (TEKS)


    • Can be completed individually, in pairs or small groups
    • Problems to solve, diagram to complete, poster to create, questions to answer,
    • Student should have ample opportunity to practice the concepts before being assessed
    • Can be questions, projects,


    • Compile one or more resources for students to read/review to learn about the new concept
      • Reading passage, video, audio, picture, interactive program, manipulatives, etc.


    • Tell the students what the purpose of their time in your class is
    • Complete a model concept (or similar, if you have only one type to complete) to display
    • Complete a list of expectations and/or rubric of the completed assessment(s)

Teaching – PISPA

    • Identify the objective / goal / learning outcome for the students: What should they be able to do or identify when they leave the lesson (over one or multiple days)?
    • Present as an “I can” statement


    • ME – Modeling Effectively: teacher models what the student should be able to do/know (a completed piece, walking through the necessary steps) when the lesson is complete.
    • A new concept or new step or piece of the concept in the lesson is presented
    • Expectations and/or a rubric presented


    • WE – Welcoming Engagement: class engages in conversation about the topic and students ask clarifying questions
    • Students first attempt to understand the concept in class
    • Students read for new information/learning purposes
    • Class / group conversations


    • TWO – Thinking With Others: opportunity for students to work in pairs/small groups to clarify understanding and practice (pairs/groups not necessary)
    • Students second attempt to demonstrate the ability to identify or complete the concept
    • Assessment should be based on participation only, not on ability to successful complete task/concept
    • Science – LAB time (write, produce, someone else replicates)


    • YOU – Your Own Understanding: students demonstrate their “ability to identify”
    • Formative
    • Summative