Key Concepts

Vocabulary: nicotine withdrawal, nicotine substitutes, tobacco cessation program

Choosing to Live Tobacco-Free

Teens and Tobacco

Fewer teens are starting to use tobacco. The number of nonsmokers in the United States, including teens, is on the rise. Knowing the health risks of tobacco use helps teens make the healthful decision to stay tobacco-free. However, some teens are influenced by tobacco company advertisements and other pressures. These teens may begin to use tobacco.

Why Some Teens Use Tobacco

Teens start smoking for many reasons. Some teens falsely believe that smoking will help control their weight or cope with stress. Others believe that smoking will make them seem mature and independent. The truth is that smoking reduces the body’s capacity for physical activity, so it actually may lead to weight gain. Health problems caused by tobacco use and nicotine dependency may increase the tobacco user’s stress level. Many times, teens are influenced to try tobacco products by movies, TV, and advertisements. Media images may convince teens that tobacco use is glamorous.

Reduced Tobacco Use Among Teens

More teens recognize the health risks of tobacco use and are avoiding the use of tobacco products. The CDC reports that 88 percent of high school students nationwide do not smoke. This number is up from 65 percent just a few years ago, as shown in Figure 20.6. Several factors contribute to this trend:

Tobacco Legislation. In 1998, tobacco companies and 46 states reached a legal settlement that restricts tobacco advertising aimed at young people. Tobacco companies are required to fund ads that discourage young people from smoking. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to purchase tobacco products in the United States.

  • No-smoking policies. Legislation has limited smoking in public places and businesses 
  • Family values. Teens whose parents avoid tobacco use are more likely to avoid tobacco use themselves.
  • Positive peer pressure. Teens who do not smoke act as healthy role models for other teens.
  • Health risks. More teens understand that tobacco use can lead to diseases, such as health disease, cancer, and respiratory problems.


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Benefits of Living Tobacco-Free

Main Idea: A tobacco-free lifestyle has many benefits.

If you do not use tobacco, you have better cardiovascular endurance and lung function. You can improve your fitness level and athletic performance. When you avoid tobacco, you reduce your risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

Living tobacco-free has mental/emotional and social benefits, too. You will have a sense of freedom because you know that you are not dependent on an addictive substance. You will have less stress because you do not have to worry about tobacco-related health problems. You will have more confidence in social situations because you look and feel better.

Strategies for Avoiding Tobacco

The best way to avoid the negative consequences of tobacco use is never to start using tobacco products. With these strategies, you can stick to your decision to live tobacco-free:

Surround yourself with positive influences. Being around people who share your healthy living values and beliefs will strengthen your commitment to lead a tobacco-free life. Choose friends who do not use tobacco.

Reduce peer pressure. By staying away from situations where tobacco products may be used, you reduce the chance of being pressured to use tobacco.

Be prepared with refusal skills. Practice in advance what you will say if someone offers you tobacco. Be assertive, and leave the situation if the pressure continues. Be confident and stand up for your healthy choices.

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Quitting Tobacco Use

Main Idea: There are good reasons for quitting tobacco use.

Teens who use tobacco give these reasons for quitting:

  • They begin to have health problems, such as asthma, coughing, or respiratory infections.

  • They realize the high cost of tobacco or find it difficult to purchase tobacco products if they are under 18.

  • They realize that using tobacco can lead to other risky behaviors such as the use of alcohol and other drugs.

  • They understand the damaging effects of second hand smoke and do not want to harm others.  

Ending The Addiction Cycle

Overcoming nicotine addiction can be difficult, but millions of people have succeeded. It is not impossible. It is common to experience symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, the process that occurs in the body when nicotine, an addictive drug, is no longer used. Symptoms can include irritability, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and cravings for tobacco. To relieve the symptoms, some people use nicotine substitutes, products that deliver small amounts of nicotine into the user’s system while he or she is trying to give up the tobacco habit. These include gum, patches, nasal sprays, and inhalers. Some are over-the-counter products; others require a doctor’s prescription. Smoking while using nicotine substitutes is dangerous due to increased nicotine exposure.

Getting Help to Quit Tobacco Use

People who want to quit can try the following strategies:

  • Prepare for the quit day. Set a target date, and stick to it. Prepare your environment and avoid tobacco triggers.

  • Get support and encouragement. Tell everyone you know about your plan to quit. Support from family and friends will increase a person’s chance of success.

  • Access professional health services. Seek advice from a doctor, enroll in a tobacco cessation program-a course that provides information and help to people who want to stop using tobacco-or join a support group. Other helpful resources include the American Lung Association, the American Cancer Society, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and local hospitals. Many high schools also sponsor tobacco cessation programs.

  • Replace tobacco use with healthy behaviors. Try sugarless gum or carrots until cravings pass. Physical activity, good nutrition, avoiding drugs and alcohol, and using stress management techniques can help you succeed.