What will you learn

Do cells have one enzyme with lots of functions, or many enzymes, each with just one function?

Enzymes. Vital proteins necessary for life. So how do enzymes work? How do they catalyze just one specific biochemical reaction? In a puzzle, only two pieces will fit together properly. Understanding that is one of the main steps in understanding how enzymes work.

Enzyme Function

How do enzymes speed up biochemical reactions so dramatically? Like all catalysts, enzymes work by lowering the activation energy of chemical reactions. Activation energy is the energy needed to start a chemical reaction. This is illustrated in the Figure below. The biochemical reaction shown in the figure requires about three times as much activation energy without the enzyme as it does with the enzyme.

The enzyme speeds up the reaction by lowering the activation energy needed for the reaction to start. Compare the activation energy with and without the enzyme.

Enzymes generally lower activation energy by reducing the energy needed for reactants to come together and react. For example:




Enzymes are crucial to metabolic reactions. Almost all metabolic reactions are catalyzed by enzymes and it is estimated to be around 75,000 different enzymes in the human body.  

The active site is specific for the reactants of the biochemical reaction the enzyme catalyzes. Similar to puzzle pieces fitting together, the active site can only bind certain substrates.

1Substrate 1Substrate 2EnzymeActive site
Substrate binding
Enzyme-substrate complex

Mechanism of enzyme action

The activities of enzymes also depend on the surrounding conditions such as the temperature and the pH. For example, some enzymes work best at acidic pHs, while others work best in neutral environments.

Explore the effect of pH on the activity of the pepsin enzyme

4 – 6
Temperature: 37° C
nPepsinPepsinDigestion of proteininto smaller peptidesDigestion of proteininto smaller peptidesDenatured enzyme cannotbind to the polypeptidePolypeptideEnzymes work best within a specific pH range.

Factors affecting enzyme activity



  1. How do enzymes speed up biochemical reactions?
  2. Where is the active site located? Explain the role of the active site?
  3. Complete this sentence: The activities of enzymes depends on the __________ and the __________ of the surroundings.
  4. Distinguish between the conditions needed for the proper functioning of pepsin and trypsin.