Which is stronger?

You or little tiny pathogens? Usually you are. Normally your body can put up a strong defense against enemy pathogens. But what if it can’t? What happens if your immune system is “sick”?


Immunodeficiency occurs when the immune system is not working properly. As a result, it cannot fight off pathogens that a normal immune system would be able to resist. Most commonly, immunodeficiency diseases occur when T or B cells (or both) do not work as well as they should, or when your body doesn’t produce enough antibodies.

Rarely, the problem is caused by a defective gene. Inherited immunodeficiency disorders that affect B cells include hypogammaglobulinemia, which usually leads to respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, and agammaglobulinemia, which results in severe infections early in life, and is often deadly.

More often, immunodeficiency is acquired during a person’s lifetime. Immunodeficiency may occur for a variety of reasons:





  1. What is immunodeficiency?
  2. List three possible reasons for acquired immunodeficiency.