A person in personal protective gear including a mask and face shield works on a hospital bed with extensive equipment.
Figure 19.1 Medical personnel are at the front lines of extremely dangerous work. Personal protective clothing is essential for any health worker entering an infection zone. (Credit: Navy Medicine/flickr)

Chapter Outline

On March 19, 2014 a “mystery” hemorrhagic fever outbreak occurred in Liberia and Sierra Leone. This outbreak was later confirmed to be Ebola, a disease first discovered in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. The 2014-2016 outbreak sickened more than 28,000 people and left more than 11,000 dead (CDC 2020).

For the people in West Africa, the outbreak was personally tragic and terrifying. In much of the rest of the world, the outbreak increased tensions, but did not change anyone’s behavior. Infection of U.S. medical staff (both in West Africa and at home) led to fear and distrust, and restrictions on flights from West Africa was one proposed way to stop the spread of the disease. Ebola first entered the United States via U.S. missionary medical staff who were infected in West Africa and then transported home for treatment. Several other Ebola outbreaks occurred in West Africa in subsequent years, killing thousands of people.

Six years after the massive 2014 epidemic, the people of West Africa faced another disease, but this time they were not alone. The Coronavirus pandemic swept across the globe in a matter of months. While some countries managed the disease far better than others, it affected everyone. Highly industrialized countries, such as China, Italy, and the United States, were early centers of the outbreak. Brazil and India had later increases, as did the U.K. and Russia. Most countries took measures that were considered extreme—closing their borders, forcing schools and businesses to close, transforming their people’s lives. Other nations went further, completely shutting down at the discovery of just a few cases. And some countries had mixed responses, typically resulting in high rates of infection and overwhelming losses of life. In Brazil and the United States, for example, political leaders and large swaths of the populations rejected measures to contain the virus. By the time vaccines became widely available, those two countries had the highest numbers of coronavirus death worldwide.

Did the world learn from the Ebola virus epidemics? Or did only parts of it learn? Prior to the United States facing the worst COVID-19 outbreak in the world, the government shut down travel, as did many countries in Europe. This was certainly an important step, but other measures fell short; conflicting messages about mask wearing and social distancing became political weapons amid the country’s Presidential election, and localized outbreaks and spikes of deaths were continually traced to gatherings that occurred against scientific guidance. Brazil’s president actively disputed medical opinions, rejected any travel or business restrictions, and was in conflict with many people in his own government (even his political allies); with Brazil’s slower pace of vaccination compared to the U.S., it saw a steep increase in cases and deaths just as the United States’ numbers started to decline.

Both those opposed to heavy restrictions and those who used them to fight the disease acknowledge that the impacts went far beyond physical health. Families shattered by the loss of a loved one had to go through the pain without relatives to support them at funerals or other gatherings. Many who recovered from the virus had serious health issues to contend with, while other people who delayed important treatments had larger problems than they normally would have. Fear, isolation, and strained familial relationships led to emotional problems. Many families lost income. Learning was certainly impacted as education practices went through sudden shifts. The true outcomes will likely not be fully understood for years after the pandemic is under control.

So now, after the height of the coronavirus pandemic, what does “health” mean to you? Does your opinion of it differ from your pre-COVID attitudes? Many people who became severely ill or died from COVID had other health issues (known as comorbidities) such as hypertension and obesity. Do you know people whose attitudes about their general health changed? Do you know people who are more or less suspicious of the government, more or less likely to listen to doctors or scientists? What do you think will be the best way to prevent illness and death should another pandemic strike?

Medical sociology is the systematic study of how humans manage issues of health and illness, disease and disorders, and healthcare for both the sick and the healthy. Medical sociologists study the physical, mental, and social components of health and illness. Major topics for medical sociologists include the doctor/patient relationship, the structure and socioeconomics of healthcare, and how culture impacts attitudes toward disease and wellness.




anxiety disorders
feelings of worry and fearfulness that last for months at a time
the changing of something not generally thought of as a commodity into something that can be bought and sold in a marketplace
contested illnesses
illnesses that are questioned or considered questionable by some medical professionals
the social process that normalizes “sick” behavior
a reduction in one’s ability to perform everyday tasks; the World Health Organization notes that this is a social limitation
the study of the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases
the physical limitations a less-able person faces
individual mandate
a government rule that requires everyone to have insurance coverage or they will have to pay a penalty
the act of a physician certifying that an illness is genuine
medical sociology
the systematic study of how humans manage issues of health and illness, disease and disorders, and healthcare for both the sick and the healthy
the process by which aspects of life that were considered bad or deviant are redefined as sickness and needing medical attention to remedy
medicalization of deviance
the process that changes “bad” behavior into “sick” behavior
mood disorders
long-term, debilitating illnesses like depression and bipolar disorder
the incidence of disease
the number of deaths in a given time or place
personality disorders
disorders that cause people to behave in ways that are seen as abnormal to society but seem normal to them
private healthcare
health insurance that a person buys from a private company; private healthcare can either be employer-sponsored or direct-purchase
public healthcare
health insurance that is funded or provided by the government
sick role
the pattern of expectations that define appropriate behavior for the sick and for those who take care of them
social epidemiology
the study of the causes and distribution of diseases
socialized medicine
when the government owns and runs the entire healthcare system
stereotype interchangeability
stereotypes that don’t change and that get recycled for application to a new subordinate group
the act of spoiling someone’s identity; they are labeled as different, discriminated against, and sometimes even shunned due to an illness or disability
stigmatization of illness
illnesses that are discriminated against and whose sufferers are looked down upon or even shunned by society
people who spend at least 10 percent of their income on healthcare costs that are not covered by insurance
universal healthcare
a system that guarantees healthcare coverage for everyone