0913 Civil War Ends

Grant had begun a drive to capture Richmond in May 1864. Throughout the spring and summer, he and Lee fought a series of costly battles.

0912 Liberty & Union

Since the beginning of the war, Lincoln had searched for a general who could lead the Union to victory. More and more, he thought of Ulysses S. Grant. After capturing Vicksburg, Grant continued to win battles in the West. In 1864, Lincoln appointed him commander of the Union forces. In this role, Grant would lead […]

0911 Vicksburg & Gettysburg

In this lesson, they will be learning how the Battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg turned the war’s outcome in favor of the Union. They will also be learning about Lincoln’s hopes for the nation after his reflection on the significance of the Civil War to American history.

0910 What’s Good for the North is Bad for the South

The Civil War cost far more than any previous war. Many northerners opposed using force to keep the South in the Union. Other northerners supported the war but opposed the way Lincoln was conducting it. For the South, the war brought economic ruin.

0909 Horrors of War

During the Civil War, the U.S. Congress passed a conscription act that produced the first wartime draft of U.S. citizens in American history. The act called for the registration of all males between the ages of 20 and 45, including aliens with the intention of becoming citizens, and required them to purchase a gun and […]

0908 Emancipation Proclamation

The Civil War began as a war to restore the Union, not to end slavery. President Lincoln made this point clear in a letter that was widely distributed.