0508 Trail of Tears

portrait of Andrew Jackson was painted during his first year in office. It is the model for his image on the $20 bill

The term “Trail of Tears” invokes the collective suffering those people experienced under forced removal. The Cherokee people called this journey the “Trail of Tears” because of its devastating effects.  The roots of forced relocation lay in greed.

0507 Native Americans

portrait of Andrew Jackson was painted during his first year in office. It is the model for his image on the $20 bill

Many different groups of Native Americans inhabited the western region of North America. Andrew Jackson won great popularity for his victories over Indians in Georgia and Florida. As president, he worked to remove Native Americans from their homelands. This forced migration still affects Native Americans today.

0506 Van Buren: Crisis and Change

portrait of Andrew Jackson was painted during his first year in office. It is the model for his image on the $20 bill

When Van Buren entered office, it was clear that the nation’s economic health had taken a turn for the worse and that the prosperity of the early 1830s was over. The financial crisis of 1837 was based on speculative fever and contributed to a five-year economic depression. The worst yet faced by the young nation, […]

0505 Bank Wars

portrait of Andrew Jackson was painted during his first year in office. It is the model for his image on the $20 bill

The Second Bank of the United States was founded in 1816. The Bank War was the name given to the campaign begun by President Andrew Jackson in 1833 to destroy the Second Bank of the United States. In 1834, Congress censured Jackson for what they viewed as his abuse of presidential power during the Bank […]

0504 States Rights

portrait of Andrew Jackson was painted during his first year in office. It is the model for his image on the $20 bill

During the early 1800s, arguments over tariffs (taxes on imported goods), the Nullification Crisis, and a bank war created havoc in federal and state governments. Differences between political parties, geographic regions, and individual states played key roles in the presidency of Andrew Jackson. His handling of these differences had a major effect on the government, […]

0503 Jackson Presidency and Spoils System

portrait of Andrew Jackson was painted during his first year in office. It is the model for his image on the $20 bill

Jackson won national fame for his achievements during the War of 1812.  As America’s political party system developed, Jackson became the leader of the new Democratic Party.  Jacksonian democracy championed greater rights for the common man and was opposed to any signs of aristocracy in the nation. They promoted the strength of the presidency and […]