0502 Election of 1824 and John Quincy Adams

portrait of Andrew Jackson was painted during his first year in office. It is the model for his image on the $20 bill

A new democratic spirit spread across the nation during the Age of Jackson. The number of white male voters increased, and political ideas changed in favor of increased democracy. These changes brought power to a leader who appealed to ordinary people, not just the powerful few. During the Jackson era, elections became more democratic and […]

0416 Monroe Doctrine

The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy proclaimed by the United States in 1823 during the presidency of President James Monroe. It was created to separate the spheres of European and American influence. The United States didn’t have a good way to enforce the Monroe Doctrine as they had a very limited army and navy, […]

0415 Monroe Expands Federal Power

The McCulloch v. Maryland decision was one of several decisions involving the balance of power between the federal government and individual states in which the Marshall Court affirmed federal supremacy. The Marshall Court established the Supreme Court’s ability to overrule Congress, the president, state governments, and lower courts.

0414 Era of Good Feelings

The Era of Good Feelings refers to the period in American history between 1815 and 1825, particularly to the two administrations of President James Monroe (1817–1825). This marked a period in the political history of the United States that reflected a sense of national purpose and a desire for unity among Americans in the aftermath […]