0114 Colonial Representative Government

Although each colony developed its own government, the governments had much in common. The idea of self-rule was important to many colonists. A governor directed the colony’s affairs and enforced the laws. Most governors were appointed, either by the king or by the colony’s proprietor. In Rhode Island and Connecticut, however, colonists elected their own […]

0113 Colonial Mercantilism & Trade

England expected to profit from the trade with the colonies. One important but inhumane branch of trade was the slave trade. Although enslaved people in the colonies had no freedom, the idea of personal freedom and liberty influenced colonial government and laws. This period saw the growth of triangular trade and the development of representative […]

0112 Colonial Religion Education & Innovation

In Colonial Society, science and religion brought important changes as well. Educational Institutions started to develop. Religion was always a part of colonial life, but by the 1700s, rules on religion had become less strict in many of the colonies. This trend led to the Great Awakening. Puritans in New England combined education with religion. […]

0111 Colonial Society, Art, Literature & Music

A colonial society developed a social structure based on people’s wealth and status. The Great Awakening brought new ideas about religion to the colonies. Education in the colonies was another source of new ideas. Although colonists had many differences, they faced many of the same daily challenges and contributed to the development of a new […]

0109 Establishment of Southern Colonies

The English founded several colonies along the southeastern coast of North America in addition to Virginia. These colonies, including Virginia, are known as the Southern Colonies. They developed economies suited to their environments. Lesson Plan Presentation Study & Practice Assessment CLASS PRESENTATION Instructional Materials Lesson Plans Tier 1 Study, Practice & Assessment Tier 2 Study, […]

0108 Middle Colonies – Pennsylvania & Daily Life

William Penn founded Pennsylvania for the Quakers, a group of Protestants who opposed the war. Elsewhere, colonists had just taken land from the native American Indians, but pen negotiated peaceful purchases. He gave Pennsylvania a written constitution that limited the power of government, provided a humane penal code, and guaranteed many fundamental liberties. Lesson Plan […]

0107 New York & New Jersey

By 1700, England had four colonies in the region just south of New England. These colonies became known as the Middle Colonies because they were located between New England and the Southern Colonies. The Middle Colonies had a greater mix of people than either New England or the Southern Colonies. Some of these colonies were […]

0105 Plymouth

Unlike the Jamestown colonists or the Spanish, these newcomers did not travel to find gold and become wealthy; they simply wanted to practice their religion freely. English colonists came to New England seeking the freedom to practice their religion. As more colonists settled in New England, there was a conflict with Native Americans. In New […]

0104 Jamestown

England watched with envy as other European countries gained wealth from their colonies in the Americas. The Englishman, Sir Walter Raleigh, raised money to outfit a colony in North America. What was to follow was a nightmare for those who sailed.