
Figure 9.1 This house, formerly owned by the famous television producer, Aaron Spelling, sold in 2019 for $119 million, which set the record for the highest individual home sale in California history. It is the largest private home in Los Angeles, and is considered one of the most extravagant homes in the United States. (Credit: Atwater Village […]


Figure 10.1 Contemporary economic development often follows a similar pattern around the world, best described as a growing gap between the haves and have-nots. (Credit: Alicia Nijdam/Wikimedia Commons) Chapter Outline 10.1 Global Stratification and Classification 10.2 Global Wealth and Poverty 10.3 Theoretical Perspectives on Global Stratification The April 24, 2013 collapse of the Rana Plaza in Dhaka, Bangladesh that killed […]


Figure 11.1 The juxtaposition of anger and hope. Over a window broken during protests in Richmond, Virginia, the business owner placed a sign that reads “Did You Know That You Matter. You are beautiful. You have purpose. You can do anything. You matter,” and is accompanied with bible verses. (Credit: I threw a guitar a him/flickr) Chapter […]


Figure 12.1 New opportunities, laws, and attitudes have opened the door for people to take on roles that are not traditionally associated with their gender. But despite this progress, many people are misunderstood or mistreated based on gender. Chapter Outline 12.1 Sex, Gender, Identity, and Expression 12.2 Gender and Gender Inequality 12.3 Sexuality Imagine that there’s a fire in a […]


Figure 13.1 Older people, especially family members, can foster a connection between our past and present and help build our memories and identities. But they sometimes need unexpected help, which they do not always accept. (Credit: PWRDF/flickr) Chapter Outline 13.1 Who Are the Elderly? Aging in Society 13.2 The Process of Aging 13.3 Challenges Facing the Elderly 13.4 Theoretical Perspectives on […]


Figure 14.1 If we see a young couple in a park, what do we assume about them? Are our assumptions based on what we see, or what we’ve experienced? (Credit: Jaroslav A. Polák/flickr) Chapter Outline 14.1 What Is Marriage? What Is a Family? 14.2 Variations in Family Life 14.3 Challenges Families Face Elena and Cam met through friends when they […]


Figure 15.1 Religions come in many forms, such as this large megachurch. (Credit: ToBeDaniel/Wikimedia Commons) Chapter Outline 15.1 The Sociological Approach to Religion 15.2 World Religions 15.3 Religion in the United States Why do sociologists study religion? For centuries, humankind has sought to understand and explain the “meaning of life.” Many philosophers believe this contemplation and the desire to understand […]


Figure 16.1 High school and college graduation often marks a milestone for families, friends, and even the wider community. Education, however, occurs in many venues and with far ranging outcomes. (Credit: Kevin Dooley/flickr) Chapter Outline 16.1 Education around the World 16.2 Theoretical Perspectives on Education 16.3 Issues in Education “What the educator does in teaching is to make it possible […]


Figure 17.1 In 2018, Florida voters made a decision regarding the voting rights of people convicted of a felony. The referendum took a direct measure of the people’s will, rather than navigating through representative process. However, passing a referendum and enacting the laws to carry it out are two different processes, which Floridians came to understand when […]


Figure 18.1 Today, employees are working harder than ever in offices and other places of employement. (Credit: Juhan Sonin/flickr) Chapter Outline 18.1 Economic Systems 18.2 Globalization and the Economy 18.3 Work in the United States What if the U.S. economy thrived solely on basic bartering instead of its bustling agricultural and technological goods? Would you still see a busy building […]