
Energy An exploration of “how” a movement is done rather than “what” it is, gives us a richer sense of dance as an expressive art.  A dancer can walk, reach for an imaginary object and turn, making these movements look completely different by changing the use of Energy. For example, anger could be shown with […]

Elements of Dance

Fig. 1 Word Cloud Generated image created by the Dance Cohort CC BY “A dance, as a work of art, must be constructed as well as a beautiful building…. A dance must have a beginning, development, and climax – just as a building has foundations, walls, and roof.”-Ted Shawn   What are the Elements of […]

Introduction Summarization

People have different ideas about how to define dance. One way to understand dance is to analyze its movement elements: body, energy, space, and time. We can also study dance in terms of its purpose. Religious dances serve to imitate animals or natural elements, to achieve healing, to commemorate an occasion, or to reach spiritual […]

Cultural Traditions

Cultural Traditions Culture is shared values, beliefs, and customs shared amongst a group of people that contribute to a person’s dance aesthetic. The rhythms of West Africa or Argentina that you grew up listening to can also play a part in shaping rhythmic tastes. Dance is an important way that the lore and traditions of […]

Dance Aesthetic

Dance Aesthetic Fig. 8 tag/africa – First found on Sep 28, 2016

Protest Dance

Protest Dance Protest dance is a response to social situations and the human condition. For slaves of the American South, the cakewalk was a way to mock their white oppressors. Kurt Joos created the modern dance The Green Table  after World War 1. It reflected hard truths about society and the price of war. Bill […]

Performance Dance

Performance Dance Performance dances are presentational and often are entertainment for an audience. Some amateur dancers put on shows, but there are also professional dancers who attain highly polished technique. Fig. 7 “Ballet de Moscú 2011” by ExpoMeloneras is marked with CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. Types of Performance Dance Ballet Modern Tap Jazz Musical Theater Hip […]

Social Dance

Social Dance Fig 5. “Social Dancing” by Destinys Agent is marked with CC BY-NC 2.0. In social dance, we establish a connection with others. Social dance can be sorted into four general categories based on the purpose of the dance. Types of Social Dance Courtship Dances Work Dances War Dances Communal Dances Courtship Dances In […]

Religous Dance

Religious Dance The earliest dances were likely religious in nature. Some religions embrace dance and use it as a part of their rituals. Other religions have eschewed dance or banned it for a number of different reasons. The Ancient Greeks and Africans used to dance to solidify their community. Ancient Greek dance, as well as […]

Introduction to Dance

  “Dance evaporates—everything goes…we just have this little hint. The deterioration actually adds to the meaning of it.”—dancer and film director Connie Hochman on trying to capture the ephemera   Introduction There are many definitions of dance, with people defining dance in their own way. In this chapter, you will consider your personal definition of […]