Delayed Gratification

[print-me alt=”Click icon to print this section” target=”h2,p”/] Purpose We will studying buying so I can relate instant satisfaction and delayed gratification to impulse buying and planned expenditures. Vocabulary one two three Continue TED Talk Aug 10, 2009 In this short talk from TED U, Joachim de Posada shares a landmark experiment on delayed […]

CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking

Key Concepts: CPR combines rescue breathing and chest compressions. In cases of choking, abdominal thrusts can be used to dislodge the objects blocking the windpipe. Treatment for shock involves elevating the legs and trying to keep the victim warm and calm. Vocabulary: chain of survival, defibrillator, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) rescue breathing, shock   CPR and First Aid for […]

Providing First Aid

Key Concepts: When responding to an emergency, remember the three steps: check, call, and care. Take universal precautions when providing first aid. Major burns require professional medical care.  Vocabulary: first aid, Good Samaritan laws, universal precautions Providing First Aid First Steps in an Emergency Main Idea: The three steps for responding to an emergency are check, call, and care. Ifyou ever find yourselfin an emergency-like […]

Safety on the Road

ey Concepts: To drive safely, pay attention and follow traffic laws.  Graduated licensing programs help young drivers develop the experience and skills they need to drive safely. Motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, and others can share the road safely by watching out for each other and obeying traffic laws.    Safety on the Road Auto Safety Main […]

Outdoor Safety

Key Concepts It’s important to plan ahead for all kinds of outdoor activities. To prevent drowning and other water-related injuries, know how to swim and know your limits as a swimmer. Vocabulary: personal flotation device (PFD)  Outdoor Safety   Outdoor Recreation Planning ahead can protect you from injury during outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and winter sports. The most important general […]

Safety at Home and in Your Community

Key Concepts: The accident chain includes an unsafe situation, an unsafe habit, and an unsafe action. Home safety hazards include fires, electric shock, falls, poisonings, firearms, and intruders. Neighborhood Watch programs, after-school programs, and improved lighting in public areas can reduce crime. Vocabulary: unintentional injuries, accident chain, fire extinguisher, smoke alarm ,Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) […]

Personal Safety and Protection

Key Concepts: Personal safety precautions can help you avoid becoming a victim of crime. Self-defense strategies include being able to spot dangerous situations and knowing how to evade or fight off an attacker. Internet safety strategies include keeping your identity private and not responding to inappropriate messages. Vocabulary: personal safety, self-defense, cyberbullying Personal Safety and Protection […]

Preventing and Treating HIV/AIDS

Key Concepts: HIV/AIDS has no cure at present. Medication can slow the progression of HIV, but cannot completely stop it. Vocabulary: EIA, Western blot, rapid test Preventing and Treating HIV/AIDS  Main Idea: There are many actions you can take to avoid contracting HIV/AIDS. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than one million Americans live with HN, […]


  Key Concepts: HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV destroys white blood cells, weakening the body’s immune system. HIV is transmitted from one person to another through sexual intercourse, by sharing contaminated needles, or from mother to infant. Vocabulary: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), acquired immuno- deficiency syndrome (AIDS) HIV/AIDS What Is HIV/AIDS?  Main Idea: HIV/AIDS weakens the body’s immune system. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that […]

Preventing and Treating STDs

Key Concepts Practicing abstinence is the only 100 percent successful method for preventing the transmission of STDs. It is crucial for people to seek diagnosis and treatment if they think they are infected with an STD. Bacterial STDs can be treated and cured with antibiotics, but viral STDs have no cure. Vocabulary: antibiotics, HPV vaccine Preventing and Treating STDs Prevention Through Abstinence Main Idea: The most […]