Digestive System

Key Concepts: The functions of the digestive system include digestions, absorption, and elimination. Digestion includes both mechanical and chemical processes. Digestive system problems might include indigestion, peptic ulcer, constipation, gallstones, cirrhosis and colon cancer. Vocabulary: mastication, peristalsis, gastric juices, bile, peptic ulcer, appendicitis The Digestive System What Happens During Digestion Main Idea: In digestion, foods are broken down and absorbed as nourishment or eliminated as waste. The foods you eat provide […]

Respiratory System

Key Concepts: The lungs are the principal organs of the respiratory system. Avoiding tobacco smoke and other pollutants can keep your respiratory system healthy. Respiratory system problems include bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and emphysema. Vocabulary: diaphragm,  trachea, bronchi, asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema The Respiratory System What Happens During Respiration Main Idea: The respiratory system provides oxygen to the blood and removes carbon dioxide from the […]

Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems

Key Concepts: The cardiovascular system includes the heart and blood vessels.  The lymphatic system provides immunity against disease. Some problems of the cardiovascular system involve congenital heart defects or lifestyle factors. Vocabulary: plasma, hemoglobin, platelets, capillaries, lymph, pathogen, blood pressure The Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems Why the Blood Circulates Main Idea: The cardiovascular system provides nutrients and oxygen, carries […]

Nervous System

Key Concepts: The nervous system enables communication between the brain and all other areas of the body. Different parts of the brain are responsible for different functions of the body and different kinds of conscious thought. You can avoid injury to your nervous system by practicing healthful behaviors. Use a safety belt, wear a helmet, avoid drug and […]

Muscular System

Key Concepts The muscular system includes smooth, skeletal, and cardiac muscle. Extensor and flexor muscles work together to perform opposite actions. Proper diet, regular exercise, stretching, and avoiding overexertion will strengthen muscles and prevent injury. Vocabulary: smooth muscles, skeletal muscles, flexor extensor, cardiac muscle, tendinitis, hernia The Muscular System What Muscles Do Main Idea: The muscular system allows […]

Skeletal System

Key Concepts: Your skeletal system consists of bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. Bones provide support and protection for the body, provide a framework for muscles, allow movement, produce blood cells, and store nutrients. Injuries to the skeletal system include fractures dislocation of joints, and tears and inflammation of connective tissue. Vocabulary: cartilage, ossification, ligament, tendon, scoliosis, osteoporosis The […]

Healthy Eyes and Ears

Key Concepts Eyes gather and send light signals to the brain. Following a well-balanced eating plan, using eye goggles, and getting regular eye exams will protect your vision. Your ears change sound waves into electrical signals sent to the brain. To maintain your hearing, keep your ears clean and warm, avoid putting objects in them, protect them during sports, and avoid prolonged loud noise. Vocabulary: sclera, cornea, retina, auditory, ossicles, labyrinth, tinnitus […]

Healthy Teeth and Mouth

Key Concepts: A tooth has three main parts: the crown, neck, and root. The buildup of plaque (bacteria) can lead to cavities. Periodontal disease begins with the buildup of plaque and tartar. Good dental care includes proper diet, brushing and flossing, dental checkups, protecting the mouth during sports, and avoiding use of tobacco products. Vocabulary: periodontium, pulp, plaque, halitosis, periodontal disease, malocclusion   Healthy Teeth and Mouth Your […]

Draft Lesson

Key Concepts: Skin has two main layers, the dermis and epidermis, over a layer of fat and connective tissue. A well-balanced diet rich in vitamin A is essential to your skin’s health. Wear sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher to block UVB and UVA rays. Your hair protects your scalp from sun exposure and provides warmth. Vocabulary: epidermis, dermis, melanin, sebaceous glands, hair follicles, melanoma Healthy Skin, […]

Living Drug-Free

  Key Concepts Choosing to remain drug-free will protect your health. You can use refusal skills to maintain your commitment to remaining drug-free. Drug-free school zones and drug watches are two ways that communities help young people avoid drugs. Vocabulary: drug-free school zones, drug watches, rehabilitation Living Drug-Free Resisting Pressure to Use Drugs Main Idea: Most teens never experiment with illegal drugs. By deciding not […]