The Role of Medicines

Key Concepts Medicines can help manage chronic conditions, including allergies, diabetes, asthma, and depression, and can treat cancer. Medicines can be taken orally or topically. They can be inhaled or taken by injection. When taking medicines, some people may experience side effects or allergies. When medicines interact, they may have a different effect than intended. […]

Preventing and Overcoming Abuse

Key Concepts: Violence in dating relationships is dangerous and unhealthy. Abuse in relationships can be physical, emotional and take other forms. Vocabulary: physical abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, stalking       Preventing and Overcoming Abuse  Abuse in Relationships Main Idea: All forms of abuse are extremely harmful. Abuse is the physical, mental, emotional, or may include mistreatment of […]

Understanding Violence

Key Concepts: Substance abuse, availability of weapons, violence in the media, and gang presence may contribute to violence. Violent crimes include assault and homicide. Vocabulary: violence, assault, random violence, homicide       Understanding Violence Causes of ViolenceMain Idea: Weapons, drugs, and gangs are some factors that can contribute to violence. Violence is the threatened or actual use of physical force or power to harm another […]

Causes of Conflict

Causes of Conflict   Key Concepts: Causes of conflict include misunderstandings, power struggles, property disputes, and lack of respect. Working together to resolve conflicts strengthens relationships. Conflicts lead to stress, negative emotions, damaged relationships, financial losses, and violence. Vocabulary: conflict, interpersonal conflicts, escalate       Causes of Conflict Understanding Conflicts Main Idea: Conflicts can […]

Peer Pressure and Refusal Skills

Key Concepts: Peer pressure can have a positive or negative influence on your actions and behaviors. You can resist negative peer pressure by learning to use refusal skills. Assertive refusal is a positive way to resist negative peer pressure. Passive and aggressive responses are not effective ways to handle negative peer pressure. Vocabulary: peer pressure, harassment, manipulation       […]

Safe and Healthy Friendships

Key Concepts: The friendships you form will depend on several common attributes that you and your friends share. Friendships can change as you develop new interests and expand your social group. Using “I” messages when explaining your feelings to a friend is the best way to talk about problems in a friendship. Vocabulary: platonic, friendship, clique       Safe and Healthy Friendships […]

Help for Families

Key Concepts: Abuse in families can be physical, emotional, or sexual. Victims of abuse include spouses, children, and older relatives. Families in crisis can seek support from counselors, support groups, crisis centers, and other community services. Vocabulary: abuse, domestic violence, spousal abuse, child abuse, neglect, elder abuse, cycle of violence, crisis center       Help for Families Violence in Families Main Idea: […]

Strengthening Family Relationships

Key Concepts: Strong families demonstrate good communication, love and support, respect, commitment, and trust. Changes in family structure or circumstances can be a major source of stress within families. Family members can help each other cope with change by talking about their feelings and offering help and support. Vocabulary: separation, divorce, custody       Strengthening Family […]

Healthy Family Relationships

Key Concepts:  Your relationships with family members have a strong influence on your total health. Family members may be related by birth, marriage, or adoption. All members of a family share responsibility for the family’s health. Families promote physical health by meeting basic physical needs, providing medical care, setting limits on behavior, and teaching health skills. Family […]

Communicating Effectively

Key Concepts: You can improve your relationships by communicating assertively, rather than aggressively or passively. Communication involves speaking, listening, and nonverbal communication such as body language. Using “I” messages helps you communicate your feelings in a positive way without placing blame on someone else.Active listening involves paying close attention to what someone is saying and communicating. Constructive criticism can bring about positive changes […]