Respecting Yourself and Others

Key Concepts: Having self-esteem and demonstrating strong values can improve your relationships with other people. You can strengthen your relationships with all the people in your life by treating them with respect. Demonstrating tolerance, or the ability to accept others’ differences, can help you build healthy relationships. Bullying and hazing are disrespectful and harmful behaviors. Vocabulary: prejudice, stereotype, […]

Foundations of a Healthy Relationship

Key Concepts Relationships in your life affect all sides of your health triangle. Important relationships in your life may include family relationships, friendships, and relationships in your community. Healthy relationships involve mutual respect, caring, honesty, and commitment. Communication, cooperation, and compromise are important skills for building healthy relationships. Demonstrating the six traits of good character strengthens your relationships. Vocabulary: relationship, […]

Getting Help

Key Concepts: Help for mental health problems may be available at school or through community resources. The reluctance to get help can be overcome by recognizing the benefits of treatment. Mental health professionals can diagnose a mental health problem and devise an appropriate treatment plan. Vocabulary: psychotherapy, behavior therapy, family therapy, group therapy, drug therapy […]

Suicide Prevention

Key Concepts: The two risk factors most associated with suicide are depression and abusing alcohol or other drugs. Most suicidal thoughts, behaviors, and actions are expressions of extreme distress. A suicidal teen needs immediate adult intervention. Vocabulary: alienation, suicide, cluster suicides       Suicide Prevention Knowing the Facts About Suicide Most people learn to […]

Mental Disorders

Key Concepts: Education can overcome the stigma of mental illness. If left untreated, many mental disorders that begin in childhood or adolescence can continue into adulthood. Anxiety disorders are common disorders that teens experience. Vocabulary: mental disorders, stigma, anxiety disorder, mood disorder, conduct disorder       Mental Disorders Understanding Mental Disorders Main Idea: Mental disorders are […]

Dealing with Anxiety and Depression

Key Concepts: Seek help if thoughts, emotions, or behaviors affect daily life. Causes of depression include stressful life events, unhappy family environments, social conditions, and illness. Depressed people need treatment from a medical or mental health professional. Vocabulary: anxiety, emotions, depression, apathy       Dealing with Anxiety and Depression Understanding Anxiety Main Idea: Occasional anxiety is a […]

Coping with Loss and Grief

Key Concepts:  Grief is caused by many kinds of loss. Each person’s response to a loss is unique to the situation and to the individual. Each person goes through stages of grief, although not in any particular order. Coping with death requires closure. Vocabulary: stages of grief, closure, coping, mourning, traumatic event       Coping with Loss and Grief Acknowledging Loss […]

Managing Stress

Key Concepts You can manage stress by using refusal skills, planning ahead, thinking positively, and avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. Stress management techniques include relaxation, redirecting your energy, and seeking support. Taking care of your health can help you prevent and reduce stress, as well as recover from its effects. Vocabulary: chronic stress, stress-management skills, relaxation […]

Understanding Stress

Key Concepts: Stress is a natural part of life; everyone experiences stress. The specific effects of stressors on your life depend on your experiences and perception. Too much stress can be unhealthful. Vocabulary: stress, perception, stressor, psychosomatic response       Understanding Stress What Is Stress? Main Idea: How you think about a challenge determines whether you will experience positive or […]

Expressing Emotion in Healthful Ways

Key Concepts: Recognizing and understanding your emotions will provide you with ways to maintain your emotional health. Learning to manage your feelings is an important part of being mentally and emotionally healthy. When you deal with difficult emotions, such as fear, guilt, and anger, you may need to carefully consider the situation and use specific […]