Input Data / Mouse

[print-me alt=”Click icon to print this section” target=”h2,p”/] Purpose We will study so I can  to  by . Vocabulary one two three Section Title Mouse tutorial A mouse is a handheld device that lets you point to objects on the screen, click them, and move them. Take a look at the diagram below to learn the different […]

Setup / Setting up and Getting Started with a Computer System

[print-me alt=”Click icon to print this section” target=”h2,p”/] Purpose We will study computer hardware so I can identify how to set up a basic computer system to be able to set up a PC by completing interactivities. Vocabulary one two three Setting up a computer So you have a new computer and you’re ready to set it up. This […]

Operating Systems / Batching Tasks

[print-me alt=”Click icon to print this section” target=”h2,p”/] Purpose We will study so I can  to  by . Vocabulary one two three Save time by batching computer tasks Have you ever baked cookies? If so, you probably didn’t create one cookie at a time; you created an entire batch of cookies. You mixed all of the ingredients […]

Operating Systems / Accessibility Features

[print-me alt=”Click icon to print this section” target=”h2,p”/] Purpose We will study so I can  to  by . Vocabulary one two three What are accessibility features? Accessibility features are designed to help people with disabilities use technology more easily. For example, a text-to-speech feature may read text out loud for people with limited vision, while a speech-recognition feature allows users […]

Operating Systems / Customize the Desktop

[print-me alt=”Print Lesson” target=”h1,h2,h3,p,img”/] Purpose We will study so I can  to  by . Vocabulary one two three Customize Your Wallpaper Want your computer to feel a bit more like, well, your computer? You might want to consider changing your wallpaper. The wallpaper is the image that appears behind the icons on your computer’s desktop—that’s why […]

Operating Systems / Understanding the OS

[print-me alt=”Print Lesson” target=”h1,h2,h3,p,img”/] Purpose We will study so I can  to  by . Vocabulary one two three What is an operating system? An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer’s memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the […]

Hardware / Buttons and Ports

[print-me alt=”Print Lesson” target=”h1,h2,h3,p,img”/] Purpose We will study buttons and ports on a computer so I can identify the different functions to know how to use them by completing a matching interactivity. Vocabulary one two three Button and Ports Take a look at the front and back of your computer case and count the number […]

Hardware / Inside a computer

[print-me alt=”Print Lesson” target=”h1,h2,h3,p,img”/] Purpose We will study so I can  to  by . Vocabulary one two three Inside Your Computers Have you ever looked inside a computer case, or seen pictures of the inside of one? The small parts may look complicated, but the inside of a computer case isn’t really all that mysterious. This […]

Hardware / Basic Parts of a Computer

[print-me alt=”Print Lesson” target=”h1,h2,h3,p,img”/] /*! elementor – v3.17.0 – 23-08-2023 */ .elementor-heading-title{padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title[class*=elementor-size-]>a{color:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small{font-size:15px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-medium{font-size:19px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large{font-size:29px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xl{font-size:39px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl{font-size:59px} Purpose We will study computer hardware so I can identify the basic parts of a computer to understand what is necessary for operation by completing a few interactivities. Vocabulary one two three /*! elementor-pro – v3.17.0 – […]