World of Computers

[print-me alt=”Print Lesson” target=”h1,h2,h3,p,img”/] Purpose We will study what computers are so I can identify different types of computers to better know how they affect my daily life by completing a series of interactivities. Vocabulary manipulates (verb)to control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously.Example Sentence: The politician manipulated the media to […]


What you will learn Movement of molecules across the cell membrane Diffusion and facilitated diffusion processes [Figure 1] Can you help me move? Often a large truck might be needed if you are moving large boxes and furniture. Just as a truck is needed to help move these items from one location to another, a cell needs help moving things as well, […]

Cell Organization

What you will learn  The biological levels of organization in an organism The origin of multicellular organisms  [Figure 1] Why be organized? It can be said organization leads to efficiency. And in you, cells are organized into tissues, which are organized into organs, which are organized into organ systems, which form you. And it can be said that the human body is a […]

Plant Cell Structure

What you will learn Special structures in plant cells and their role Structure and function of chloroplasts [Figure 1] What do plants have to do that animals don’t? Many plant cells are green. Why? Plant cells also usually have a distinct shape. The rigid exterior around the cells is necessary to allow the plants to grow upright. Animal cells do […]

Cell Structure

Cell Structure What you will learn Organelles present in a eukaryotic cell Organelles involved in protein synthesis and transport [Figure 1] Does a cell have its own ER? Yes, but in this case, the ER is not just for emergencies. True, there might be times when the cell responds to emergency conditions and the functions of the ER may be needed, […]

Ribosomes and Mitochondria

What you will learn The structure of ribosomes and their role in protein synthesis Why mitochondria are known as the “power plants” of the cell and how they meet the energy needs of the cell [Figure 1] Sperm cells and muscle cells need lots of energy. What do they have in common? They have lots of mitochondria. Mitochondria are called the power plants of […]


What you will learn How DNA is organized inside the nucleus The role of the nucleus The structure and function of the nuclear envelope The role of the nucleolus in the assembly of ribosomes [Figure 1] Where does the DNA live? The answer depends on if the cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic. The main difference between the two types of cells is the […]

Cytoplasm and Cytoskeleton

What you will learn Structure and function of the cytoplasm Structure and function of the cytoskeleton Three main types of cytoskeleton fibers [Figure 1] Does a cell have, or even need, a “skeleton”? What do you get if you take some tubing, and make the tubes smaller and smaller and smaller? You get very small tubes, or […]

Membrane Proteins

What will you learn Types of membrane proteins The Fluid Mosaic Model of the cell membrane Different types of extensions of the cell membrane and their role in cell movement [Figure 1] Can anything or everything move in or out of the cell? No. It is the semipermeable cell membrane that determines what can enter and leave the cell. So, if not everything […]

Phospholipid Bilayer

What you will learn Structure of the cell membrane Role of the phospholipid bilayer in the cell membrane function   [Figure 1] All cells have a cell membrane. This membrane surrounds the cell. So what is its role? Can molecules enter and leave the cell? Yes. Can anything or everything enter or leave? No. So, what determines what can […]