Interdependence of living Things

Interdependence of Living Things earn How living things are interdependent on each other Important interactions between organisms: symbiotic relationships and competition [Figure 1] What other species do you need to survive? Species cannot live alone. All life needs other life to survive. Plants have evolved flowers with traits that promote pollination by particular species. Pollinator species, in turn, have evolved traits that help them […]

Principles of biology

What you will learn The unifying principles of biology: cell theory, gene theory, homeostasis and evolution   [Figure 1] Reproduction, homeostasis, evolution, metabolism, heredity. What controls the characteristics of life? Characteristics of life are controlled by genes, which are passed from parents to offspring, and are located on chromosomes, like the ones shown here, that are found in every cell. This describes a fundamental […]

Characteristics of life

Purpose We will study so I can  to  by . [print-me alt=”Click icon to print this section” target=”h2,p”/] Vocabulary one two three Resources one two   [Figure 1] [Figure 2] What do a bacterium and a frog have in common? Do they share characteristics with us? All living organisms, including the smallest bacterium and a frog, share certain characteristics […]

Scientific Theories

What you will learn How hypotheses become scientific theories Examples of scientific theories in biology: theory of evolution, cell theory, and germ theory   [Figure 1] Theory vs. theory. Is a scientific theory different from the everyday use of the word theory? A scientific theory is accepted as a scientific truth, supported by evidence collected by many scientists. The germ theory of disease is a classic scientific theory in biology. […]


What you will learn What is an experiment Independent and dependent variables Importance of sample size and repetition  [Figure 1] So what exactly is an experiment? At first you may picture a science laboratory with microscopes and chemicals and people in white lab coats. But do all experiments have to be done in a lab? And do all scientists have to […]

Scientifc Method

What you will learn What is a scientific investigation Steps of the scientific method [Figure 1] Chances are you’ve heard of the scientific method. What exactly is the scientific method? Is it a precise and exact way that all science must be done? Or is it a series of steps that most scientists generally follow, but may be […]

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