Common Email Features

Common Email Features Common email features No matter which email service you choose, you’ll need to learn how to interact with an email interface, including the inbox, the Message pane, and the Compose pane. Depending on the email provider, the interfaces may look and feel different, but they all function in essentially the same way. In this lesson, […]

Introduction to email

Do you ever feel like the only person who doesn’t use email? You don’t have to feel left out. If you’re just getting started, you’ll see that with a little bit of practice, email is easy to understand and use. In this lesson, you will learn what email is, how it compares to traditional mail, and how email addresses […]

Email Formality

How Formal Should an Email Be? How formal should an email be? Finding the right tone for an email can be tricky. Sometimes it may feel like an email must be formal in order to be correct. The truth is, a formal tone isn’t always automatically better than a casual tone. But how do you […]

Google Drive: Creating and Uploading Files

Creating new files Google Drive gives you access to a suite of tools that allows you to create and edit a variety of files, including documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. There are five types of files you can create on Google Drive:  Documents: For composing letters, flyers, essays, and other text-based files (similar to Microsoft Word documents)  Spreadsheets: For storing and organizing information (similar to […]