
LESSON 08: Title Review

In Today’s News…

In Today’s News… Review articles for details pertaining to a module topic while you practice. The kids fill out a Current Event form after discovering an article.


Franchisee Researching the prerequisites for starting a franchise of their choosing can help them prepare. bcentproj lesson plan.pdf bcentproj franchise ownership questions.pdf

Is entrepreneurship for me?

Is entrepreneurship for me? Practice by writing in your journal about entrepreneurship and interesting goods and services. A group discussion can then occur. bcentrf lesson plan.pdf

Business Operations

Business Operations As they investigate profit and loss themes including opportunity cost, marginal benefit, marginal cost, total revenues, and total costs, they will learn about the challenges of maintaining a profitable firm as well as the significance of short-term and long-term planning. bcentrun lesson plan.pdf bcentrun lesson transcript.pdf Lesson 03 Business Operations bcentrun student worksheet.pdf […]

Market Evaluation

Market Evaluation Learn why it’s critical for business owners to understand their markets as they identify market groups, consumer needs and feedback, the benefits of community involvement for businesses, and selecting the best location. bcentevaluate lesson plan.pdf bcentevaluate lesson transcript.pdf bcentevaluate l1 – markets ppt bcentevaluate worksheet sample answer.pdf Quiz Key Evaluating the Market.pdf


Entrepreneurship Investigate characteristics, the distinction between a boss and an employee, how entrepreneurship is an option for women and minorities, the “path” to entrepreneurship, methods for becoming a business owner, and how to spot business opportunities as you learn about the effort required to be an entrepreneur. bcentent lesson plan.pdf bcentent lesson transcript.pdf bcentent l1 […]

Identifying Famous Entrepreneurs

Unit Overview: UNIT: The Entrepreneurship Express (10 classes) Provides an introduction to entrepreneurship and the characteristics of an entrepreneur as they understand how to identify business opportunities by understanding markets and customers and the operational aspects of running a small business. LESSON 01: In this activity, students will either work alone or in pairs to […]