Unit Overview (Plan and Do discussions) (Tutor LMS Direct)

[print-me alt=”Click icon to print” target=”body”] Introduction to email Do you ever feel like the only person who doesn’t use email? You don’t have to feel left out. If you’re just getting started, you’ll see that with a little bit of practice, email is easy to understand and use. In this lesson, you will learn what […]

Lesson 01 Identifying Famous Entrepreneurs

LESSON 01: Identifying Famous Entrepreneurs Students in this exercise will complete a worksheet about a well-known entrepreneur either by themselves or in pairs. A group discussion can then occur.

Lesson 07 In Today’s News…

LESSON 07: In Today’s News… Review articles for details pertaining to a module topic while you practice. The kids fill out a ___ after discovering an article.

Lesson 06 Franchisee

LESSON 06: Franchisee Researching the prerequisites for starting a franchise of their choosing can help them prepare.

Lesson 05 Is entrepreneurship for me?

LESSON 05: Is entrepreneurship for me? Practice by writing in your journal about entrepreneurship and interesting goods and services. A group discussion can then occur.

Lesson 04 Business Operations

LESSON 04: Business Operations As they investigate profit and loss themes including opportunity cost, marginal benefit, marginal cost, total revenues, and total costs, they will learn about the challenges of maintaining a profitable firm as well as the significance of short-term and long-term planning. Part 01 Profit and Loss Part 02 Planning Part 03 Quiz