Do you think this would hurt? Why?

That would probably hurt. And hurt a lot. Broken bones, or fractures, may be one of the more common problems of the skeletal system. And this one would probably need surgery to fix. But, in addition to broken bones, there are other problems and diseases of the skeletal system.

Skeletal System Problems

Despite their hardness and strength, bones can suffer from injury and disease. Bone problems include fractures, osteoarthritis, and rickets.

Child with rickets X-ray

The bones of a child with rickets are so soft that the weight of the body causes them to bend.





Science Friday: Jump In Jerboas
It’s a potato on toothpicks! No, it’s a hopping noodle! A fuzzy rodent T-rex! Any way you look at them, jerboas are about as cute as they come. These adorable critters bounce about on long, springy legs – appendages that just might help us better understand and perhaps manipulate the growth of human bones.







  1. Osteoporosis is a disease in which osteoclasts are more active than osteoblasts. How is this likely to affect the bones? Why would a person with osteoporosis have a greater-than-normal risk of bone fractures?