2 RI8 / NT 2 RI8- That is the Question!

A survey taken place in 2012 showed that less than half percent of the students who took their SATs got selected for College. Where did they fall behind? In the writing section. Why did they fall behind? Because they texted their answers on paper! Teachers, the upholders of convention, were not able to comprehend the […]

For the Sake of the Carrot or For the Sake of the Thing Itself?

Explaining the “cause” of some behavioral trait is a difficult thing to do. Especially in TEENAGERS, whose demeanors are so elusive and shifty. At one time, these adolescents undertake an activity because they enjoy doing it, at another time, they grudgingly do something because they are forced to do it. The question here is of […]

Self-created responsibilities of a teacher

Role of a teacher has been termed in a conservative and complex form, now a days. But besides teaching, teacher has many responsibilities some of them however are self-created. These self-created responsibilities work so negatively for a teacher that it sometimes make them forced to leave the profession.  Effects of the self-created responsibilities: These self-created […]

Role of video media in learning

In such an advanced era like ours, the technology everywhere is predominant. Technology today is so vast and effective that it has now been used for almost every purpose. In this innovative era, we are extremely overwhelmed with the technology. Even in education it is playing an essential role by providing us such informative contents […]

We Teach Them to Think

Ryan Lavine, EdS My wife’s family is from Argentina. One of my brothers-in-law is a nuclear physicist. For reals. I can’t even begin to comprehend the scientific things he has to know in his field of making nuclear power more safe for common use (I think that is his research – sometimes when he gets […]

Figuring Out Figurative Language

Truth be told, I think I am a much better orator than I am a writer. Maybe it is dude all of the talk to texting I do on my phone. But if you read through this and it seems more conversational than if it were written by somebody typing, that is because I’m using […]

Seen? Learnt? Now, you’re on your own!

Seen? Learnt? Now, you’re on your own! As long as pedagogy has been in existence, countless models have been proposed at every step to carry it out more efficiently than before. These models have tried in their own way to tackle the basic question of the “balance of power” in the classroom. Except, the so-called […]

How daily reading boosts up your intelligence

Love to read books, novels or newspaper? Well, it is a very good habit and it makes you smarter. Do you ever feel that reading some book or novel had effected your life? It brought a change to your life? Had you changed your perspective of thinking? Yes? It happens actually. Also, reading something daily […]

Essentials in writing one lesson plan

Everything need preparation and when it comes to the teaching stuff the question that arises in every teacher’s mind is how much preparation is enough? Whether you’re working on your teaching credential or being look over by an administrator you will every so often need to write out a lesson plan during your teaching career. […]