The human brain. The “control center.” What does it control?

Practically everything. From breathing and heartbeat to reasoning, memory, and language. And it is the main part of the central nervous system.

Central Nervous System

The nervous system has two main divisions: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system (see Figure below). The central nervous system (CNS) includes the brain and spinal cord (see Figure below).

Divisions of the nervous system

The two main divisions of the human nervous system are the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system has additional divisions.
Components of the central nervous system

This diagram shows the components of the central nervous system.

The Brain

The brain is the most complex organ of the human body and the control center of the nervous system. It contains an astonishing 100 billion neurons! The brain controls such mental processes as reasoning, imagination, memory, and language. It also interprets information from the senses. In addition, it controls basic physical processes such as breathing and heartbeat.

The brain has three major parts: the cerebrumcerebellum, and brain stem. These parts are shown in Figure below and described in this section. 

Parts of the brain

In this drawing, assume you are looking at the left side of the head. This is how the brain would appear if you could look underneath the skull.

Each hemisphere of the cerebrum consists of four parts, called lobes. Each lobe is associated with particular brain functions. Just one function of each lobe is listed here.






Spinal Cord

The spinal cord is a thin, tubular bundle of nervous tissue that extends from the brainstem and continues down the center of the back to the pelvis. It is protected by the vertebrae, which encase it. The spinal cord serves as an information superhighway, passing messages from the body to the brain and from the brain to the body.

Humanoid Robot Brains

The smartest people in the world have spent millions of dollars on developing high-tech robots. But even though technology has come a long way, these humanoid robots are nowhere close to having the “brain” and motor control of a human. Why is that? Learn about the motor control processes in the human brain, and how cutting-edge research is trying to implement it in robots below.





Science Friday: Face Time: How quickly do you judge a face?

How fast do you judge somebody by their face? In this video by Science Friday, Dr. Jon Freeman discusses how the brain quickly creates character assessments of people and the effects these assessments may have.



Further Reading

Drugs and the Nervous System

Nervous System Diseases



  1. Name the organs of the central nervous system.
  2. Which part of the brain controls conscious functions such as reasoning?
  3. What are the roles of the brain stem?
  4. Sam’s dad was in a car accident in which his neck was broken. He survived the injury but is now paralyzed from the neck down. Explain why.