Adding and Replying to Comments

Adding and replying to comments

Comments are one of the features that allow you to collaborate in Google Docs. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create and reply to comments, tag collaborators, and more.

Watch the video below to learn how to work with comments.

Creating a new comment

Anyone with editor or commenter access to the Google Doc can create a comment.

There are several ways to add a comment, but the easiest way is to select the text that you want to comment on, then click the button that appears on the right side of the screen.

clicking add a comment

The comment box opens, and you can type your message.

typing your comment

If you want to make sure that a specific person sees your comment, you can tag them. To tag someone, type the @ symbol and start typing their email address. Then select them from your list of contacts.

tagging a person

If you tag someone who doesn’t already have access to the document, Google will ask you to share the document with them before posting your comment.

When you tag someone, you have the option to assign the comment to them. Assigning a comment to someone means that they will be responsible for marking it as complete.

assigning a comment

When you’re finished typing your comment, click Comment.

clicking comment

Replying to comments

Once a comment is added, anyone with commenter or editor access to the document will able able to see it and leave a response. 

To reply to a comment, click it to select it.

selecting a comment

Then, type your reply. When you’re done, click Reply.

clicking reply

Editing and linking to comments

If you made a mistake while typing a comment, you can click the three dots in the top-right corner to either Edit or Delete your comment. Note that deleting a comment this way is permanent.

clicking edit comment

If you click the three dots next to the first comment in a thread, you have the option to link to this comment

clicking link to this comment

A dialog box opens that lets you copy the link so that you can share it with someone else. This is useful in long documents with lots of comments, as the link points directly to the relevant part of the document and even opens the comment thread.

copying the link

Comment history

When you or your co-authors resolve the issue being discussed, click the checkmark to close the discussion. 

resolving a comment

The comment will disappear, but you can continue to access it in the Comment History. You can open the Comment History by clicking the comment icon next to the share button in the top-right corner.

opening comment history

The Comment History window shows active and resolved comments. If you need to re-open a comment thread, click Re-open.

clicking reopen

You can also change your email notification settings from within the Comment History window. Click Notifications at the top of the window, then make your selection. By default, document owners receive notifications for every comment, but everyone else only receives notifications when they are mentioned directly. 

changing your notification settings

Comments are a powerful tool in Google Docs, and using them will help you collaborate more effectively on your next project. 

Using Suggestion Mode to Track Changes

Using Suggestion mode to track changes

When multiple people are working on a document, it’s helpful to see how the document changes and grows over time. Google Docs lets you track any edits that are made, comment on them, and decide whether they should be added to the document. Google Docs calls this feature Suggestion mode, but it’s very similar to the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word.

Watch the video below to learn how to track changes in Google Docs.

Tracking changes in Google Docs

To track changes in Google Docs, you have to switch from Editing mode to Suggestion mode. Click the pencil icon underneath the Share button, and choose Suggesting from the drop-down menu.

clicking suggesting

While in Suggestion mode, any text that you add is highlighted and any text you delete is crossed out. To the right, a suggestion box appears with every change. This gives other users a chance to review changes before they’re made permanent.

making two suggestions

Reviewing changes

You can also see changes suggested by other people. If you have a question about a particular change, you can leave a comment in the suggestion box. Click the suggestion box, click the text field, write a response, and click Reply.

replying to another suggestion

To approve a change, click the checkmark. It will then become part of the document. To reject a change, click the X, and the suggestion will disappear.

accept or reject a change

To leave Suggestion Mode, click Suggesting in the top-right corner and select Editing.

clicking editing

While in editing mode, you can still accept, reject, or comment on suggestions, but you can’t create any new ones.

Tracking changes on your mobile device

Suggestion mode is also available in the mobile version of Google Docs. While viewing a document, tape the More icon.

tapping the more button

Turn on Suggest changes.

tapping suggest changes

Now you can track changes just like in the web browser version.

tracking changes

To review a suggestion, tap on it to select it. You can accept, reject, or leave a comment on any suggested change.

reviewing a suggestion

Version History

Version history

Google Docs saves every change made to your document through a feature called version history. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use version history to restore your document to the exact moment you desire, copy specific sections, and determine who made certain changes. 

Watch the video below to learn how to use version history.

Accessing version history

There are two ways to access version history.

Browsing different versions

On the right side of the screen, previous versions of the document are saved in chronological order. Browse different versions until you find what you’re looking for. Versions are often grouped together, and you can click the drop-down arrow to expand the group. 

clicking the drop-down arrow

Underneath each version, you can see who made the changes. Click a version to review it.

clicking a version

As you review previous versions, you can toggle the Show changes option to make it easier to see differences between the versions.

clicking show changes

Naming versions

If you want to keep track of a specific draft, you can name a version. Click the dots next to the version that you want to name and select Name this version.

clicking name this version

Naming a version makes it much easier to find. You can even filter to only show named versions.

only show named versions

Restoring versions

To restore an earlier version, click Restore this version at the top.

clicking restore this version

Next, confirm your choice. Keep in mind that restoring a version means that you will lose any changes that have been made since then. You should only restore a version as a last resort.

confirming restore

Copying specific sections

If you only want to bring back part of an older version, you can copy and paste that specific text. Highlight a section, right-click, and choose Copy.

copy and paste

Click the arrow in the top-left corner to close version history. You can then paste the copied text into the document. 

clicking back

Seeing new changes

When you open a Google Doc, if someone has made changes since you last saw the document, the See New Changes notification will appear. Click the notification to review the changes.

clicking see new changes

You can review the changes in a new window. When you return to the document, the See New Changes notification will be gone. 

seeing the new changes