Objectives: Students will identify components to be included on a resume and/or electronic professional profile such as appropriate contact information; educational, work, and volunteer experience; skills; certificates obtained; accomplishments; interests; and references.        

Tax Forms

Objective: Students will understand basic employment forms and processes, including W-2, W-4, I-9, and Form 1040.     Your Tax Forms, Decoded https://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hhUVRHZC9nVE1Hd3JCNHhKK1dRPS0tMGZlNWEzYjVhZTc4NmQ4YjUwMmQ4YjkyZGVhOWExODYzM2NiYzQ0OQ.mp4       The W-4 https://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hhUVNZZC9nVE1Hd3JCN3RKK1dRPS0tMDA5NzUyYWNiMzhiMmFkYzhhZjgzNzBkYmIwNDExZDAxYmVlMDNiNA.mp4       The I-9 https://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hhUVNwZC9nVE1Hd3JCOXRKK1dRPS0tMDA4YmExMmY0ZTY0NTgyY2VmMWY0YjMzOGViODRkOWFmNjgxNzFiYQ.mp4            


Objective: Students will understand the effects of state and federal taxes on income. Students will understand the requirement to file and what their filing status is. Students will understand the differences between refundable credits, non-refundable credits, and adjustments. Students will understand the differences between gross and net income.     Where Your 2018 Tax Dollars Went Look at this infographic on how federal tax […]


Objective: Students will identify costs and rewards of entrepreneurship/self-employment.     https://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hhUVM1ZC9nVE1Hd3JCd1ZGK1dRPS0tNTEwNmY1YjY0YWY4MGNmMGVjY2E4OWRjZTAxZDIxZGRjZDgxNTlkZg.mp4     Pros and Cons of Becoming Self-Employed Read this article on the advantages and detriments of self-employment. “Pros and Cons of Becoming Self-Employed” Posted October 21, 2012 by AIU  Entrepreneurs started about 500,000 new small businessesLinks to an external site. in 2011. If you’ve got a business or […]

Spending Plan

Objectives: Students will understand the principles of person money management including budgeting, managing accounts, and the role of credit and impacts on personal finance. Students will identify short- and long-term financial decisions and the impact they have on financial planning . Students will define the elements of a financial plan. Students will develop a budget. Students will identify and prioritize fixed, variable, and periodic budget categories. Students […]

Inflation and Deflation

Objective: Students will identify and define the types of financial risks, including inflation, deflation, and recession.     Inflation vs. Deflation: An Overview InflationLinks to an external site. occurs when the prices of goods and services rise, while deflationLinks to an external site. occurs when those prices decrease. The balance between these two economic conditions, opposite sides of […]

Economic Systems

Objectives: Students will explore historic and current examples of each economic system and the effects on economic growth. Economic Systems A country’s economic system is made up of institutions and decision-making structures that determine economic activity. Key Points An economic system is the decision-making structure of a nation’s economy, characterized by the entities and policies that shape it. An […]

Supply and Demand

Objectives: Students will investigate how scarcity of financial resources affects wants and needs.Students will understand the law of supply and demand as a major economic force. https://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hhUVNRZC9nVE1Hd3JCN2MvK1dRPS0tZjZjNDZlNGFjN2IyMmE4YzQwNWVmNjE0ZjhjMGRmNzE2Y2UyZDI2Mg.mp4   Read this excerpt of an article on scarcity. “What Is Scarcity and Why Is It Important?” What is scarcity? Scarcity refers to the limited availability of resources that are typically available for use. Also known as paucity, it is opposed to the theoretically […]

Needs and Wants

Objectives: Students will understand how values, culture, and economic forces affect personal financial priorities and goals. Students will recognize that individuals are responsible for their own financial decisions and for subsequent positive and negative consequences. Students will investigate how scarcity of financial resources affects wants and needs.   TED Talk Watch this video on how finances are important for your well being.   https://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hhUVRVZC9nVE1Hd3JCeVRaLzJRPS0tMWQ2ZDhjN2RjMTQ4YzM2ZGNhNDA4MTI1MjkyOGYzZmYxODExOWM1OA.mp4     I have a dream Watch this clip from Tangled about what people what people want to do when they […]

Employability Skills

[print-me alt=”Click icon to print this section” target=”h2,p”/] Purpose Objectives: Students will understand sources of income and the relationship between career preparation and lifetime earning power. Students will identify various sources of income and specific employability skills. Students will compare career opportunities based on individual interests, skills, and educational requirements; the value of work to society; income potential; and the supply and demand of the workforce, including unemployment. Vocabulary one two three Employability Skills: […]