Psychoactive Drugs

Psychoactive Drugs Lesson 3 Key Concepts: Many illegal drugs often contain unknown ingredients. Stimulants include legal drugs, such as nicotine, caffeine, and many medicines, and illegal drugs, such as cocaine and crack. Hallucinogens can result in flashbacks that often cause mental and emotional problems that can occur long after use. Vocabulary: psychoactive drugs, designer drugs, hallucinogens, euphoria, depressants, stimulants, opiates       Effects of Psychoactive Drugs Main […]

Marijuana, Inhalants, and Steroids

Key Concepts: Using marijuana can damage a user’s health. Sniffing inhalants can permanently damage or kill brain cells. The non-medical use of anabolic-androgenic steroids is illegal and can pose serious health risks. Vocabulary: marijuana, paranoia, inhalants Marijuana, Inhalants, and Steroids Marijuana Main Idea: Using marijuana has serious physical, mental, social, and legal consequences. Every day, you make choices based on information that’s available to you. Before deciding to […]

The Health Risks of Drug Use

Key Concepts: It is illegal to use, sell, or possess illegal drugs, or to sell or use prescription medications for non-medical purposes. Misusing medicines and drugs can lead to addiction. Drug abuse can have negative consequences for the user’s friends, family, and society. Vocabulary: substance abuse, illegal drugs, illicit drug use, overdose, addiction The Health Risks of Drug Use Substance Abuse Main Idea: Substance abuse includes the use […]

The Impact of Alcohol Abuse

Key Concepts: No one should drive after drinking alcohol because it impairs mental and physical abilities. If a female drinks while she is pregnant, her baby may be born with mental and physical birth defects. Dependence on alcohol causes alcoholics to harm themselves and the people around them. Alcoholics can recover if they seek help. Vocabulary: blood alcohol […]

Choosing to Live Alcohol-Free

Key Concepts: Peer pressure, advertising, and family can influence a teen’s choice to use or not to use alcohol. Alcohol use leads to risky behaviors that have serious consequences. Teens who do not use alcohol are more likely to make healthy decisions that maintain their health. In order to stay alcohol free, teens should try to avoid situations […]

The Health Risks of Alcohol Use

Key Concepts: Alcohol is an addictive drug that slows the central nervous system (CNS) and impairs physical abilities and judgment. Mixing alcohol with medicines or other drugs is extremely dangerous. Long-term excessive alcohol use harms many of the body systems, and can possibly damage adolescent brain development processes. People who binge drink put themselves at serious risk of alcohol poisoning. Vocabulary: ethanol, fermentation, depressant, intoxication, […]

Promoting a Smoke Free Environment

Key Concepts Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is harmful to nonsmokers and smokers because it contains toxic substances. A pregnant mother should avoid tobacco to protect the fetus. ETS is especially harmful to infants and young children. Laws and public policies are reducing ETS in public places. Vocabulary: environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), mainstream smoke, side stream smoke Promoting a Smoke Free Environment Health Risks of Tobacco Smoke Main Idea: Tobacco smoke can […]

Choosing to Live Tobacco-Free

Key Concepts Some teens are influenced by peers or the media to use tobacco, but many who start want to quit. The number of tobacco-free teens is steadily increasing. You can avoid using tobacco by carefully choosing your friends, avoiding places where tobacco is present, and having a refusal plan. Tobacco users often find it difficult to quit using tobacco because they experience nicotine withdrawal. Vocabulary: nicotine withdrawal, nicotine substitutes, tobacco cessation program Choosing […]

Draft Lesson

Key Concepts All tobacco products contain harmful chemicals, including carcinogens and nicotine, an addictive drug. In addition to carcinogens and other toxic substances, tobacco smoke contains tar and carbon monoxide. Tobacco use causes both short-term and long-term damage to your body, such as lung cancer and heart disease. Tobacco use can also cause legal, social, and financial problems. Vocabulary: addictive drug, nicotine, stimulant, […]

Using Medicines Safely

Key Concepts The FDA regulates medicines and their distribution to make sure that medicines are safe and effective. Written approval in the form of a prescription is needed for some medicines, but over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can be bought without a prescription. Medicines can be dangerous if they are not used as directed. Vocabulary: prescription medicines, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, medicine misuse, medicine abuse       Standards for […]