Developing Personal Identity and Character

Key Concepts: You develop your personal identity by developing a clear sense of your values, beliefs, skills and interests. A person of good character demonstrates core ethical values. You can build a health identity from both the good and bad influences in your life.  Vocabulary: personal identity, role-model, personality, character, integrity, constructive criticism     […]

Developing Your Self-Esteem

Key Concepts: Mentally healthy people sometimes have mental and emotional problems, but can cope with their emotions as well as know when to seek help. Healthy self-esteem involves having a sense of personal worth and a sense of competence. You can improve your self-esteem. Vocabulary: mental/emotional health, resilient, self-esteem, competence, hierarchy of needs, self-actualization   […]

Managing Consumer Problems

Key Concepts:  Always read and follow the instructions for products you buy.  Consumer and health organizations help fight health fraud. Vocabulary: consumer, advocates, malpractice, health fraud       Managing Consumer Problems Resolving Consumer Problems Main Idea: Take action to correct consumer problems. Have you ever bought a product and been dissatisfied with it after you used it? Maybe the product didn’t work the way it should, didn’t […]

Being a Health-Literate Consumer

Key Concepts: To be a smart consumer, read labels, comparison shop, and evaluate advertisements for hidden messages.  Evaluate health information and services carefully to make sure they come from valid sources or respected providers. Vocabulary: health consumer, advertising, comparison shopping, warranty       Being a Health Literate Consumer Making Informed Choices Main Idea: You can learn to make good […]

Making Responsible Decisions and Setting Goals

Key Concepts: Use the steps in the decision making process to make safe and responsible decisions. Short-term goals can help you reach long term goals. To accomplish your goals, create an action plan. Vocabulary: values, decision making skills, goals, short term goal, long term goal, action plan       Making Responsible Decisions and Setting Goals Decisions, Goals, and […]

Building Health Skills

Key Concepts: Health skills are tools that help you manage your health. Good interpersonal communication helps you build strong relationships with others. When you are aware of how influences such as family, peers, culture, media and personal values affect you, you are better able to make informed choices about your health.  Vocabulary: health skills, interpersonal communication, […]

Draft Lesson

Promoting Health and Wellness Lesson 4 Key Concepts: Health education is the key to creating a healthier nation. The national health goals of Health People provide guidelines for promoting health and preventing disease. A health literate person has the necessary skills to function in today’s health promotion and disease prevention environment. Vocabulary: health education, Healthy People health disparities, […]

Health Risks and Your Behavior

Happy boy visiting doctor

[print-me alt=”Click icon to print this section” target=”h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,li,img”/] Purpose Identify how Risk behaviors can harm your health and the health of others. Risk behaviors that contribute to illness and disability include tobacco use, unhealthy dietary behaviors, inadequate physical activity, and alcohol and other drug use. Abstaining from high-risk behaviors will protect your health. Vocabulary risk […]

What Affects Your Health

What Affects Your Health Key Concepts: Your heredity plays a role in your health and wellness. You cannot always control your physical environment, but you can look for ways to overcome its negative influences. A positive attitude and healthful behaviors promote wellness. Vocabulary: heredity, environment, peers, culture, media, technology         What Affects Your Health? […]

Your Total Health

[print-me alt=”Click icon to print this section” target=”h2,p”/] PURPOSE We will study that… Health is the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being. It is important to balance the three components of health. Making a lifetime commitment to practice healthful behaviors can improve your long-term well being. VOCABULARY health spiritual health wellness chronic disease Your […]