How to engage every student in class on the same topic

What is the foremost problem of a teacher regarding his or her students? Do you know? If you are a teacher then for sure you know it. The problem is to engage all the students in the same topic at the same time. Is that so? I knew it! A classroom is full of students […]

Raise your hand if you… HATE… READING.

Hey – Ryan here with VARSITY Quick question: how do you start your very first class of the year?  Here’s how I do it. I stand up and I look at the kids and they look at me and I’m quiet and I look at them and I say,  “Raise your hand if you… HATE… […]

Importance of English classes in everyday life

English is not only our international language but it is significant in almost every walk of life of every person. Similarly, it is highly-important to develop a base in English from start. As proficiency in this communication skill helps us in various fields. In almost every school, today, English classes has been given to the […]

Are YOU Still Using TEXTBOOKS?!

Now, this introductory piece comes from an article by Dr. Maryelle Weimer –  “Students were surveyed in nine different introductory psychology and human development courses and the percentage of the text they said they read ranged from 32% to 69% with most of the percentages around 50. That means half the text not read. Of […]

Save the Day with Teacher’s Taxonomy Toolkit!

If “think bigger!” is the motto of the capitalists, “think better!” is the motto of the philosophers. The latter is a much more strenuous job because it’s wildly abstact and nearly impossible to pin down. Besides, you have to know something first to do it “better”. So, in order to understand “thinking” itself, philosophers break […]